Pyörä, lahjapaketti, teksti ja tienpätkä on kaikki ääriviivatarroja samasta tarra-arkista. Paperikukat on väritetty ProMarkereilla, kuten lahjapakettikin. Tämä kortti on hyvä esimerkki siitä, miten joskus katastrofi voi johtaa ihan kivaan lopputulokseen. Alunperin tässä kortissa piti olla keltaista vain kukat sekä pyörän tarakalla keikkuva lahjapaketti. Halusin sitten kuitenkin värittää lahjapaketin pakettikortin keltaisella geelikynällä ja kuinkas sitten kävikään... Kynä oli rikki ja geelikynästä tippui väriä useita tippoja pitkin korttipohjaa. Hetken mietin, että heitänkö koko kortin mäkeen tai saanko nuo tarrat vielä irti, mutta sitten ajattelin hyödyntää väritipat. Sotkin tippoja vähän talouspaperilla ja totesin, että väri leviää aika kivasti... Sen jälkeen vain lisää väriä samasta kynästä ja aina ennen värin kuivumista värin sotkeminen paperin avulla. Taustasta tuli tosi random, mutta loppujen lopuksi tykkään kyllä lopputuloksesta. Nyt kuvaa katsellessani tosin aloin miettiä, että kukkien keskustat olisivat ehkä kaivanneet jotain... No, onneksi tuo näytti livenä hyvältä noinkin. :)
I made a pink card "Delivering Smiles" with a bike in August and Eija commented back then asking if this card could be made in yellow. So here you go. The bike, gift, text and the road are all stickers from the same set. The paper flowers are coloured with ProMarkers and so is the gift parcel. This card is actually a good example how a disaster can turn into ok end-result. Originally this card was supposed to have only yellow flowers and the gift parcel. However, I wanted to colour the tag in the parcel with a yellow gel pen and oh no! The pen was broken, but I didn't notice that and managed to blot the card base. For a while I was wondering whether to throw the whole card in the rubbish bin or try to save the stickers, but then I thought to use the blots as part of the card. So I spread the wet colour stains with paper towel and decided to use that as an effect. So I added more colour from the broken pen and spread the colour with paper towel when it was still wet. The background ended up being really random piece of "art", but I think it works well in this card. However, now as I'm looking at the photo, I think that the flowers should have had some kind of centres... Oh well, it looked nice in real life. :)
I made a pink card "Delivering Smiles" with a bike in August and Eija commented back then asking if this card could be made in yellow. So here you go. The bike, gift, text and the road are all stickers from the same set. The paper flowers are coloured with ProMarkers and so is the gift parcel. This card is actually a good example how a disaster can turn into ok end-result. Originally this card was supposed to have only yellow flowers and the gift parcel. However, I wanted to colour the tag in the parcel with a yellow gel pen and oh no! The pen was broken, but I didn't notice that and managed to blot the card base. For a while I was wondering whether to throw the whole card in the rubbish bin or try to save the stickers, but then I thought to use the blots as part of the card. So I spread the wet colour stains with paper towel and decided to use that as an effect. So I added more colour from the broken pen and spread the colour with paper towel when it was still wet. The background ended up being really random piece of "art", but I think it works well in this card. However, now as I'm looking at the photo, I think that the flowers should have had some kind of centres... Oh well, it looked nice in real life. :)
Tästä tykkään. Tuo keltainen on ihana ja sopii pyöräilyn iloon.
VastaaPoistaKiva, että tykkäät. :)