perjantai 10. heinäkuuta 2015

Aurinkoinen kortti harmaaseen päivään

Harmaan päivän piristykseksi yksi aurinkoinen kortti.

Leima on Stampendousin ja väritetty ProMarkereilla. Kuviopaperi on silppulaatikosta löytynyt jämäpala ja kerrostukseen käytin vaaleanruskeaa kartonkia. Lisukkeena Sizzixin stanssilla leikattu koriste, blingejä ja vihreää nauhaa. Jätin kortista tekstin pois, joten tämä käy moneen tilaisuuteen.

Osallistun kortillani seuraaviin haasteisiin:
Come and Get It Challenges "Anything goes with flowers"
Get Creative Challenges #18 "Must include flowers"

Today I'm sharing with you some sunshine in the form of flowers as the day here is completely grey and dull. The image is Stampendous stamp and coloured with ProMarkers. The DP is from my scraps box and I used some light brown cardstock for layering. I cut a doily with Sizzix die and added some blings and green ribbon to finish the card. I didn't add any sentiment as I thought that this card fits for so many occasions and without sentiment one can add whatever greeting needed when giving this card.

I participate with this card in the following challenges:
Come and Get It Challenges "Anything goes with flowers" 
Get Creative Challenges #18 "Must include flowers"

6 kommenttia:

  1. Your work is wonderful! Glad you could join us at Get Creative Challenges!

    Camille - DT

  2. Lovely card. Like the flowers. Thank you for joining us at Come and Get It this week. Hope to see you back here again soon. Judy DT

  3. So pretty! Thanks for sharing at Get Creative for the Use Flowers challenge. Lisa DT


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